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Personal Mission Statement

It is my intent to obtain a legal education in order to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to become an effective legal advocate for student affairs and educational equity. I am interested in pursing employment in which I have the potential to shape the national narrative on higher education policy. In order to maintain congruence in my personal and professional lives, the following values will inspire my heart, guide my decisions, and strength my resolve to reach for and obtain greatness.

Physical wellbeing:  In order to maintain my mental and physical wellbeing I commit  myself to maintaing my health through regular diet and exercise.

Idealism: Ideals are the core of who I am as a human being. No matter what obstacles may stand in my way I will never give up the pursuit of a more just and equitable society.

Authentic relationships: Life is better with people. Throughout my life I will maintain and develop authentic and reciprocal relationships with individuals who will both challenge and support my dreams and aspirations.

Courage: I will live my life with courage, and make decisions that force me to seek new experiences and move beyond my comfort zone.

Life-long learning:  Not only will I stay current with relevant professional literature but I will seek out new opportunities for knowledge and continue to be intellectually curious on all subjects of personal interest.

Education as a public good: My professional legal career is founded on the belief that higher education is an individual right and a public good.

Paradigm Shifts: I will seek ways to promote paradigm shifts in the way individuals, organizations, and institutions view, discuss, and value issues of social justice.

Truth to power: In order to provide the best legal advice and service to my clients, and to satisfy my own values, I will always speak truth to power in all appropriate circumstances.

Autonomy: I desire opportunities to earn trust and autonomy in order to be empowered in my work.

Impact: I want my professional career to have a positive impact on the lives of students, and a substantive influence on how institutions of higher education operate.

I am fully aware that my dreams and aspirations will be difficult to achieve in my professional career. I will not shy away from difficult tasks.  
Per aspera ad astra



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